Jordan is an animal-lover who specializes in dachshunds. He has owned and cared for dachshunds since he was a child, and his passion for these unique dogs has only grown with time. Jordan is an avid researcher and learner, and spends a large portion of his free time studying the history, behaviour, and health of dachshunds. He has a knack for training and socializing his own dogs, and loves introducing them to new experiences. When not caring for his own pets, Jordan likes to volunteer at local animal rescue shelters, helping to find homes for abandoned dachshunds. He is a true animal advocate, and dedicates his time to ensure that all animals receive the love, respect, and care they deserve.

6 Easy Home Remedies To Get Tartar Off Dog’s Teeth

Taking care of your dog’s health and grooming needs is vital if you want a healthy pet. To that end, here are our 6 easy home remedies to get tartar off dog’s teeth. Some of them can sound troublesome and …

Do Dogs Get Altitude Sickness Or Is It Just People?

Approximately 20% of people have some degree of altitude sickness and can’t tolerate high altitudes. Do dogs get altitude sickness or is it just people, however? And, if they do, does altitude affect dogs in the exact same way, or …

Quick Guide To The Main Piebald Dachshund Health Problems

Picking a unique sub-breed dog should always be accompanied by some health research. So, here’s our quick guide to the main piebald dachshund health problems. This breed looks quite different from standard dachshunds but does this mean that it’s more …

Can Dogs Have Lemon Water Or Is This A Bad Idea?

Citrus fruits and dogs sound like two things that don’t mesh. Yet, we know that dogs can eat oranges. So, can dogs have lemon water or is this a bad idea? How about lemonade or actual lemons. And, if yes, …

When And How To Cut Dogs Nails That Are Too Long

Figuring out when and how to cut dogs nails that are too long can be tricky. In fact, you may be wondering why you should even bother in the first place. Surprisingly, there are a lot of great reasons to …

Shih Tzu And Dotson Mix – The Adorable Schweenie

Designer lapdog breeds are both cute and make for great family pets. That especially the case for the Shih Tzu and Dotson mix – the adorable Schweenie! This cross between two classic and small-sized family dog breeds has a lot …

Corgi Wiener Dog Mix – A Loyal and Playful Family Pet

For those looking for a unique pup for your household, let us introduce the Corgie wiener dog mix – a loyal and playful family pet. This crossbreed is also called a Dorgi and has many fantastic characteristics that make it …

Schnauzer Weenie Dog Mix – The Fun And Lovable Schnoxie

If you’re looking for adorable pets you’ve probably seen lots of dachshund mixes. But how about the Schnauzer weenie dog mix – the fun and lovable Schnoxie? This love child of two awesome hunting breeds is just as good of …