What Are The Main Dachshund Hind Leg Problems and What Can You Do About Them?


If you’ve just now gotten your first dachs you may be wondering what are the main dachshund hind leg problems and what can you do about them. Looking after a pet is a phenomenal experience but it also involves quite a bit of care.

The 5 Main Dachshund Hind Leg Problems

It’s a little-known fact that the signature elongated body and short legs of Doxies are actually the results of dwarfism. That’s right – all Doxies are technically dwarfs.

What Does This Dwarfism Mean For Your Dog?

Dwarfism is unfortunately known to lead to quite a few potential issues with the bone and spinal health of the individual. Because breeds like the dachshund have been the result of dwarfism for thousands of years, a lot of those problems and risks have been bred out over time.

Ideally, you won’t wait until the dog starts showing obvious difficulties walking, limping, or paralysis.

What Are The First Symptoms Of Dachshund Hind Leg Problems?

The Main Treatments For Dachshund Leg Problems

Unfortunately, most dachshund hind leg problems require surgical intervention. That’s because they are actual bone, joint, and skeletal issues and aren’t just a matter of hormones, infections, or anything similar.

Preventative Measures To Help You Avoid Dachshund Hind Leg Problems

The other good news is that most of these dachshund leg problems can either be prevented or mitigated with the right care. Naturally, the key first step is to make sure that you’ve got a healthy puppy from the get-go. This means only working with reputable breeders and asking for a health certificate before you commit to a purchase/adoption.

Once you’ve got your dachs pet, the main preventative steps are quite simple – just maintain a good and nutritious diet and give your dog adequate and regular exercise. An adult dachs typically need 45 to 60 minutes of outdoors walking time, usually distributed between two walks.

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