Facts About The Wire Haired Dachshund’s Personality 


The wire-haired dachshund temperament you can expect to face is that of a willful, self-driven, food-motivated, and sometimes outright stubborn dog.

What is the personality of a wire haired Dachshund?

Wire haired dachshunds have an even more “rugged” personality thanks to the small bit of terrier blood they have in their lineage.

What is the personality of a wire haired Dachshund?

A properly socialized and trained wire haired dachshund will have no problems being an examplery family pet.

Are wirehaired Dachshunds barkers?

People often expect wirehaired dachshunds to be louder than their smooth and longer haired brethren because of their terrier blood.

Are wirehaired Dachshunds barkers?

All three dachshund coat types can be loud from time to time, especially if they are poorly socialized and trained.

Are wirehaired dachshunds good with kids?

Proper socialization and a slow and comfortable introduction with the kid is always a must. 

Are wirehaired dachshunds good with kids?

These dogs are small, smart, and affectionate enough to be perfectly safe for any baby, toddler, or child.

Are wirehaired dachshunds easy to train?

Dachshunds like all other scenthound breeds, are a little too willful and obstinent for complex training.

Are wirehaired dachshunds easy to train?

Proper obedience training early in their lives will easily turn them into perfectly well-behaved family dogs.

The wire-haired dachshund temperament is believed to be a bit more laid back but also more willful when it wants to be. 

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