Can dachshunds be left alone?

Last Updated on April 14, 2024 by admin

Have you ever wondered if dachshunds can be left alone? If you’ve got a busy schedule or a life that requires you to be away from home for extended periods of time, this question might have crossed your mind. Dachshunds, with their charming and independent nature, might seem like the perfect breed to handle solitude. But before you start planning those solo trips, it’s important to understand the needs and behavior of these lovable little hounds. In this article, we’ll explore whether dachshunds can be left alone, and uncover some helpful tips to ensure their well-being when you’re not by their side.

Factors to consider

When determining if a dachshund can be left alone, there are several factors to take into consideration. The dog’s age, temperament, training, health, and exercise needs all play a role in determining their ability to be left alone for extended periods of time.


The age of your dachshund is important to consider when determining if they can be left alone. Puppies, especially those under six months of age, typically have higher exercise and attention needs and may struggle with being left alone for long periods. Adult dachshunds, on the other hand, may have learned to be more independent and can handle being alone for longer durations.


The temperament of your dachshund is another crucial factor to consider. Some dachshunds are independent and comfortable being alone, while others may suffer from separation anxiety and find it challenging to cope with being left by themselves. Understanding your dog’s temperament will help you determine if they can be left alone and for how long.


Properly trained dachshunds are more likely to be comfortable and well-behaved when left alone. Dogs that have undergone obedience training and have been taught appropriate behaviors are more likely to handle being left alone without causing damage or becoming anxious. It is essential to invest time in training your dachshund to ensure they are comfortable when left alone.


The health of your dachshund can impact their ability to be left alone. Dogs with medical conditions or disabilities may require additional care and attention, making it more challenging for them to be alone for extended periods. It is essential to consider your dachshund’s health and any specific needs they may have when determining if they can be left alone.

Exercise needs

Dachshunds are an active breed and require regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being. If your dachshund does not receive sufficient exercise, they may become restless, bored, or anxious when left alone. Meeting their exercise needs before leaving them alone can help ensure they are tired and content while you are away.

Recommended duration

When considering how long a dachshund can be left alone, it is important to take into account their age, whether they are a puppy or an adult, as well as the length of time you plan to be away.

Puppy vs Adult

Puppies, especially those under six months, have higher exercise and attention needs. They may struggle with being left alone for long periods. Adult dachshunds, on the other hand, have usually learned to be more independent and can handle being alone for longer durations. It is recommended to gradually increase the alone time for puppies as they grow and become more independent.

Short vs Long periods

Short periods of alone time, such as a few hours, may be more manageable for most dachshunds. However, leaving a dachshund alone for very long stretches, such as an entire workday, can cause distress and may not be suitable for all dogs. It is essential to assess your dachshund’s temperament and comfort level when determining how long they can be left alone.

Gradual training

If your dachshund is not accustomed to being alone, it is important to gradually increase their alone time to help them adjust. Start with short periods of separation and gradually work your way up to longer durations. This gradual training will help your dachshund develop confidence and reduce the risk of separation anxiety.

Preparing the environment

Preparing the environment for your dachshund when they are left alone is essential to ensure their safety and well-being. Taking a few precautions and making some adjustments to your home can help create a comfortable and secure space for your dog.

Providing a safe space

Designating a specific area in your home as your dachshund’s safe space can help them feel secure when left alone. This area can be a crate, a specific room, or a confined area where they have access to water, a cozy bed, and a few toys. Ensuring your dachshund has a safe space will minimize their anxiety and help them feel at ease when alone.


Before leaving your dachshund alone, it is crucial to dog-proof your home. Remove any hazards or items that could be potentially harmful if chewed or ingested. This includes keeping toxic plants, chemicals, and small objects out of their reach. Securely storing any food or medications is also important to prevent accidental ingestion.

Furniture and belongings

Dachshunds are known for their love of digging, so it is important to protect your furniture and belongings while they are alone. Investing in sturdy chew toys and providing appropriate outlets for their natural instincts can help redirect their attention away from destructive behavior. Additionally, covering furniture with protective materials or using pet-proof deterrent sprays can help discourage chewing.

Access to basic needs

Make sure your dachshund has access to fresh water, food, and a designated potty area before leaving them alone. Providing these essential resources will help ensure their comfort and well-being while you are away.

Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common issue that many dachshund owners face when leaving their dogs alone. It is essential to understand this condition and take steps to manage it effectively.

Understanding the condition

Separation anxiety occurs when a dog becomes excessively anxious or distressed when separated from their owner. Symptoms can range from whining, pacing, and destructive behavior to excessive drooling, urination, or defecation. Understanding the signs and causes of separation anxiety is crucial for managing and addressing this condition.

Recognizing symptoms

It is important to recognize the symptoms of separation anxiety in your dachshund. Signs such as excessive barking, destructive behavior, attempts to escape, or refusing to eat when left alone are indications that your dog may be experiencing anxiety. Pay attention to these signs and take appropriate action to alleviate their distress.

Managing separation anxiety

Managing separation anxiety in dachshunds requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Gradual desensitization, using calming techniques, and providing mental stimulation can all be effective methods for helping your dachshund cope with being left alone. Seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can also provide valuable insight and support in managing separation anxiety.

Leaving distractions

Providing distractions and mental stimulation for your dachshund while they are alone can help alleviate boredom and prevent destructive behavior. Here are some options to consider:

Toys and puzzles

Investing in interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and chew toys can help keep your dachshund mentally stimulated and entertained while they are alone. These toys can engage their natural instincts and provide an outlet for their energy, reducing the likelihood of engaging in destructive behaviors.

Interactive feeders

Interactive feeders, such as treat-dispensing toys, can provide mental stimulation and keep your dachshund occupied while you are away. These toys challenge your dog to problem-solve in order to access their food, providing both mental stimulation and a rewarding experience.

Indoor entertainment

Leaving a radio or television on with soothing music or calming sounds can help create a more comfortable environment for your dachshund when they are alone. The background noise can provide a sense of companionship and mask outside noises that may cause anxiety.

Socialization and companionship

Dachshunds are social animals that thrive on interaction and companionship. Providing opportunities for socialization and companionship can greatly benefit their well-being when left alone.

Playdates with other dogs

Arranging playdates with other friendly and well-socialized dogs can provide valuable social interaction for your dachshund. This can be done through local dog parks, organized meet-ups, or scheduling playdates with friends or neighbors who also have dogs. Socializing with other dogs can help alleviate loneliness and keep your dachshund mentally stimulated.

Interaction with humans

Ensuring that your dachshund has regular interaction with humans, whether it is family members, friends, or professional dog walkers, can help prevent feelings of isolation. Daily walks, cuddle sessions, or playtime with humans can provide the companionship and attention that dachshunds crave.

Enriching companionship

If you find that your dachshund struggles with being alone for extended periods, consider providing them with enriching companionship in the form of another pet. Adopting a second dog can provide constant companionship for your dachshund and alleviate feelings of loneliness when they are home alone.

Hiring help

If you are unable to provide the necessary attention and care for your dachshund when you are away, hiring help may be a viable option. There are several professionals who can assist in ensuring your dachshund’s well-being in your absence.

Dog walkers

Hiring a professional dog walker can help break up long periods of alone time for your dachshund. They can provide exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship during your absence, ensuring your dachshund’s needs are met.

Pet sitters

If you are away for an extended period, hiring a pet sitter can be a great option to ensure your dachshund receives round-the-clock care. Pet sitters can stay in your home, providing companionship and attending to your dachshund’s needs while you are away.

Doggy daycare

Doggy daycare facilities are another option to consider if your dachshund enjoys the company of other dogs. These facilities offer a safe and supervised environment where your dog can socialize, exercise, and receive attention while you are at work or away for the day.

Alternate options

In some cases, it may be necessary to explore alternate options for your dachshund’s well-being if they struggle with being left alone for extended periods of time.

Consider adopting a second dog

If your dachshund consistently exhibits distress or anxiety when left alone, adopting a second dog may be a beneficial solution. Having a constant companion can help alleviate separation anxiety and provide a sense of security for your dachshund.

Fostering programs

If you are unsure about committing to a second dog permanently, consider fostering a dog instead. Fostering programs allow you to provide temporary companionship to a homeless dog while assessing if a second permanent pet is the right option for you and your dachshund.

Rehoming if necessary

In extreme cases where your dachshund’s separation anxiety is severe and cannot be managed, rehoming may be the best option for their well-being. It is important to carefully consider your dachshund’s needs and work with a reputable rescue organization or shelter to ensure they find a suitable home where their anxiety can be properly addressed.

Training for independence

Training your dachshund to be independent is crucial if you need to leave them alone for extended periods. Here are some training techniques that can help:

Crate training

Properly crate training your dachshund can create a safe and secure space for them when you are away. Gradual introduction to the crate, positive reinforcement, and ensuring the crate is comfortable can help your dachshund feel at ease in their own space.

Progressive desensitization

Progressive desensitization involves gradually increasing the duration of time your dachshund is left alone. Start with short periods and gradually increase the time, rewarding your dog for calm and relaxed behavior. This gradual exposure helps them build confidence and trust in being alone.

Gradual alone time

Similar to progressive desensitization, gradually increasing the amount of time your dachshund spends alone can help them become more accustomed to being by themselves. Start with shorter periods and gradually work your way up to longer durations, ensuring your dachshund remains calm and comfortable throughout the process.

Monitoring technology

With advancements in technology, there are several monitoring devices available to help keep an eye on your dachshund when you are away.

Cameras and interactive devices

Installing cameras in your home can allow you to monitor your dachshund’s behavior and well-being when you are not present. Some cameras even offer interactive features that allow you to speak to and remotely interact with your dachshund.

Remote treat dispensers

Remote treat dispensers can be a fun and engaging way to interact with your dachshund when you are away. These devices allow you to dispense treats at your discretion, providing positive reinforcement and mental stimulation for your dog.

GPS trackers

If your dachshund has a tendency to wander or escape, using a GPS tracker can provide peace of mind. These devices allow you to track your dachshund’s location in real-time, ensuring their safety and allowing you to intervene if needed.

In conclusion, determining if a dachshund can be left alone requires careful consideration of various factors such as age, temperament, training, health, and exercise needs. It is important to create a safe and stimulating environment, address separation anxiety if present, provide distractions and companionship, and consider hiring help if necessary. Training for independence and utilizing monitoring technology can also aid in ensuring your dachshund’s well-being when they are left alone. With proper planning and attention to their needs, dachshunds can be comfortable and content when spending time alone.