Getting a doxie might not mean getting a puppy, and rescue dogs win over hearts and prompt the question of how to potty train an older dachshund? Providing a senior dog with a home is an admirable endeavor, but it …
Dachshunds are a popular breed of dogs that come in many different colors and sizes. How long does the average miniature dachschund live? Dachshunds come in a range of sizes, from 8-10 inches to 13-15 inches. The length of the …
Mini dachshunds are often bred to be smaller than standard hounds, but when should a dog “grow up”? Experts say it’s hard enough for humans to pinpoint the moment an infant is on the threshold of adulthood, let alone animals. …
The process of crating training a Dachshund puppy is similar to the process for any breed. You can start by taking your dog outside and teaching them how to eliminate where they should go housebreaking, socializing with other dogs, or …
Dachshunds are a small and long-bodied breed of short-legged hounds. The miniature dachshund is the smallest of these, weighing about 3 pounds or 1 kg. These dogs also have disproportionately large heads for their size, with an average height from …
“Dachshund” is a German word meaning “badger dog”. The pronunciation of the name changes depending on whether it’s said in English, French or any other language. This resource will teach you how to say dachshund and some words that might …
These dachshund puppies weigh in at just under a pound, making them the smallest breed of dog. They are usually around 6 inches tall and have short legs that make it difficult for them to run long distances. Despite their …
Dachshunds have a long reputation for being the smallest of all dog breeds, but are they really the tiniest? The tiny size is taken with stride by dachshund owners and other canines. The average weight ranges from 4 to 13 …
One of the most common dog breeds, Dachshunds are known for their short legs and long bodies. They aren’t as small as they appear! These little barkers can also be very stubborn in general. If you’re frustrated with your dachshund’s …
If you want to know how to potty train a dachshund puppy, read this blog. You’ll learn what’s the best age for your pet and why they may or may not be ready yet. We cover everything from house training, …