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Mini Dachshund Puppy Names – 300 Big Names For Your Little Dog

Thinking of mini dachshund puppy names is as fun as looking after the dogs themselves. However, if you’re at a loss, here are our 300 big names for your little dog – hopefully you’ll find something that suits your pup.

Standard dachshund names are plenty of fun themselves but when you add the “mini dimension” to the question and you can get even more creative.

What Makes For Good Weenie Dog Names?

Names for dachshunds usually joke with the pups’ small size anyway but when talking about mini dachshunds things can get even more ridiculous. The quest for the right name can lead you to a lot of weird places but that’s all right – wieners are weird are strange dogs anyway.

The Different Ways To Pick Good Mini Dachshund Puppy Names

Depending on what approach you choose to take, you can arrive at a lot of different names. For example:

  • You can pick names that are outright synonymous with small things. This may be obvious but it’s also simple, clean, and funny.
  • You can go with a name that’s the exact opposite of small – giant, huge, titan, etc. This may sound mocking at first but it doesn’t need to be as long as you love your dachs.
  • Names that don’t really have anything to do with your dachs’ size. After all, size isn’t everything, right?

weenie dog names

Read more about: Full Size Dachshund vs Mini Dachshund – 4 Remarkable Differences

What Are Our 300 Suggestions For Mini Dachshund Puppy Names?

Instead of just dumping a whole jumbled-up list on your hands, let’s take a more systematic approach. To make it a bit easier, we thought we’d divide the different mini dachshund puppy names into several categories.

68 Small Names For Your Small Dog

The obvious choice is to go with a name that means “small” rather directly. Alternatively, the name can mean something that is relatively small, even if it’s not directly synonymous with a small size. This can feel a bit cliché-y but that doesn’t matter – your dog is unique anyway and you both know it.

  1. Atom
  2. Bubble
  3. Quark
  4. Micra
  5. Micro
  6. Pebbles
  7. Bug
  8. Minimum
  9. Cookie
  10. Nano
  11. Neutron
  12. Small
  13. Quantum
  14. Ping
  15. Proton
  16. Lilliput
  17. Min
  18. Mite
  19. Half Pint
  20. Biscuit
  21. Peewee
  22. Wink
  23. Zip
  24. Elf
  25. Skip
  26. Gumball
  27. Baby
  28. Nugget
  29. Runt
  30. Peanut
  31. Button
  32. Leprechaun
  33. Pip
  34. Squeak
  35. Pipsqueak
  36. Mini
  37. Teensy
  38. Minnie
  39. Shorty
  40. Little
  41. Squirt
  42. Tiny
  43. Leaf
  44. Cobbles
  45. Fleck
  46. Chip
  47. Puny
  48. Smalley
  49. Junior
  50. Bean
  51. Walnut
  52. Peanut
  53. Chicho
  54. Chicky
  55. Squat
  56. Jellybean
  57. Marbles
  58. Pepper
  59. Egg
  60. Smudge
  61. Grain
  62. Dot
  63. Crumb
  64. Droplet
  65. Speck
  66. Specky
  67. Dotty
  68. Spotty

23 Big Names For Your Small Dog

Another awesome approach is to get a name that’s the extreme antonym of your dog’s small size. Is this a little cheeky? Maybe. But there’s nothing wrong with liking it. You can literally open up a list of mythological giants and use that as a source for name ideas. Your weenie dachs certainly isn’t going to know the difference.

  1. Dino
  2. Max
  3. Leviatan
  4. Giant
  5. Bear
  6. Champ
  7. Golem
  8. Titan
  9. Colossus
  10. Monster
  11. Mammoth
  12. Behemot
  13. Ogre
  14. Jumbo
  15. Zeppelin
  16. Titanic
  17. Hercules
  18. Ajax
  19. Hulk
  20. Goliath
  21. Mountain
  22. Thanos
  23. Dragon

64 In-Between Names For Your Small Dog

Of course, mini dachshund puppy names don’t really have to have anything to do with the dog’s size. Miniature dachshunds may be just a third of the size of standard dachshunds and the latter may not be exactly a giant dog breed either. However, every dachs owner knows that these pups are big at heart.

So, if you’re looking for “mid-sized-sounding” dachshund names that are still pretty unique here are some more suggestions:

  1. Chapitas
  2. Dina
  3. Electro
  4. Fine
  5. Cotton
  6. The Mine
  7. Star
  8. Monse
  9. Turtle
  10. Titi
  11. Ying
  12. Monkey
  13. Boba
  14. Scrappy
  15. Corn
  16. Wolf
  17. Fido
  18. Snookums
  19. Foxy
  20. Cloud
  21. Boots
  22. Coco
  23. Stipple
  24. Orchard
  25. Chicha
  26. Coconut
  27. Cuddles
  28. Low Rider
  29. Bo
  30. Motley
  31. Fawn
  32. Joy
  33. Dollop
  34. Streaks
  35. Shady
  36. Flo
  37. Froo Froo
  38. Jojo
  39. Golf
  40. Fuzzball
  41. Cinnamon
  42. Mushroom
  43. Merle
  44. Munchkin
  45. Checkers
  46. Lila
  47. Mottle
  48. Splotch
  49. Brindle
  50. Morsel
  51. Blotches
  52. Patches
  53. Bitty
  54. Lulu
  55. Sprinkles
  56. Shrimpy
  57. Domino
  58. Freckles
  59. Tabby
  60. Gravel
  61. Rosebud
  62. Splodges
  63. Cheetah
  64. Twinkle Toes

33 Fantasy and Mythological Names For Your Small Dog

This may feel a bit on the nose but another good idea would be the name of a famous little person from some of the most popular fantasy franchises out there. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, Willow, Warcraft, and many other fantasy book and movie series are full of lovable and brave miniature heroes.

You can even explore Germanic/Norse mythology for some ideas as a type of “fantasy” literature – dachshunds are a German dog breed after all.

  1. Willow
  2. Tyrion
  3. Frodo
  4. Magni
  5. Muradin
  6. Bran
  7. Eitri
  8. Nabi
  9. Lit
  10. Dvalin
  11. Berling
  12. Alfrigg
  13. Regin
  14. Ewok
  15. Dobby
  16. Sam
  17. Bilbo
  18. Baggins
  19. Pippin
  20. Gimli
  21. Thorin
  22. Balin
  23. Bombur
  24. Bofur
  25. Bifur
  26. Gloin
  27. Ori
  28. Nori
  29. Dori
  30. Fili
  31. Kili
  32. Oin
  33. Dwalin

112 Regular Names For Your Small Dog

Last but not least, there are also countless “normal” names you can give your mini dachs. Names that are neither big, nor small, nor “mid-ranged” – just normal. At least as much as a dachshund name can be normal. There can really be thousands of suggestions in this last section and we have other lists with names for standard dachs. But here’s a good hundred-odd number that may still give you some ideas.

  1. Oscar
  2. Owen
  3. Petey
  4. Alena
  5. Bonnie
  6. Clara
  7. Darla
  8. Edie
  9. Banger
  10. Bloedworst
  11. Greta
  12. Karina
  13. Sam
  14. Seb
  15. Bologna
  16. Boudin
  17. Bratwurst
  18. Cervelat
  19. Chipolata
  20. Chorizo
  21. Drisheen
  22. Glamorgan
  23. Goetta
  24. Haggis
  25. Helzel
  26. Lincolnshire
  27. Lolita
  28. Mettwurst
  29. Pepperoni
  30. Salami
  31. Saucisson
  32. Saveloy
  33. Charlotte
  34. Skylanders
  35. Vienna
  36. Weisswurst
  37. Frankfurter
  38. Wiener
  39. Elle
  40. Annie
  41. Freya
  42. Timmy
  43. Robin
  44. Theo
  45. Toby
  46. Grace
  47. Krissy
  48. Leah
  49. Lola
  50. Lotta
  51. Marla
  52. Martha
  53. Lenny
  54. Levi
  55. Mia
  56. Millie
  57. Feathers
  58. Abi
  59. Molly
  60. Chewie
  61. Shaggy
  62. Whiskers
  63. Sulley
  64. Teddy
  65. Fuzz
  66. Silky
  67. Grizzly
  68. Lion
  69. Puffin
  70. Charmin
  71. Dusty
  72. Wookie
  73. Quill
  74. Cashmere
  75. Ducky
  76. Lamb
  77. Nella
  78. Nora
  79. Orla
  80. Romy
  81. Rosa
  82. Roxie
  83. Silvy
  84. Tom
  85. Wyatt
  86. Emma
  87. Frankie
  88. Tess
  89. Tilly
  90. Zoe
  91. Arlo
  92. Arthur
  93. Ben
  94. Billy
  95. Bobby
  96. Carlo
  97. Carter
  98. Charlie
  99. Danny
  100. Finn
  101. Harry
  102. Henry
  103. Jack
  104. Jonas
  105. Leon
  106. Logan
  107. Luke
  108. Mason
  109. Max
  110. Milo
  111. Noah
  112. Oli

Did You Find Your Preferred Mini Dachshund Puppy Names?

So, did our list give you a few ideas? Was it extensive enough? If you think we’ve missed an obvious inclusion, please let us know.

Otherwise, we hope we’ve helped you at least a bit. Thinking of the right name can take quite a lot of time sometimes. Even if you didn’t find what you were looking for here we trust the exercise has at least got your creativity up and running. Remember – the best name is the one you can find a personal connection with, that’s all that matters.

Learn more about: 176 Amazing Girl Wiener Dog Names Your Dachshund Princess Will Happily Respond To

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