How Much Does a Long Haired Dachshund Cost

Last Updated on April 9, 2024 by admin

Have you ever wondered how much it would cost to bring home a long-haired Dachshund? These charming dogs with their flowing locks are undeniably adorable, but as with any pet, there are price considerations to take into account. Whether you’re a soon-to-be Dachshund owner or simply curious about the costs involved, we’ll explore the various factors that can influence the price of a long-haired Dachshund and help you get a better understanding of what to expect financially. So, let’s embark on this journey together and uncover the answer to the question: How much does a long-haired Dachshund cost?

Table of Contents

Breeder Costs

Cost of a long haired dachshund from a reputable breeder

When it comes to purchasing a long haired dachshund from a reputable breeder, the cost can vary. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 for a long haired dachshund puppy. The price may be higher or lower depending on factors like the breeder’s reputation, the quality of the bloodline, the puppy’s pedigree, and its show potential.

Factors that can affect the price of a long haired dachshund

Several factors can influence the price of a long haired dachshund from a breeder. The first is the breeder’s reputation. Reputable breeders, who have invested time and effort in breeding healthy and well-socialized puppies, may charge more for their puppies compared to less reputable breeders.

Another factor is the quality of the bloodline. Puppies with superior lineage, boasting a long line of champions or working dogs, may usually be more expensive. These dogs often have desirable traits and are more likely to excel in various activities such as show competitions or obedience trials.

The puppy’s pedigree can also affect the price. A long haired dachshund with a well-documented pedigree tracing back several generations may command a higher price compared to a puppy without a significant pedigree.

Lastly, the puppy’s potential for show or breeding purposes can impact the price. Puppies that show promise or have exceptional qualities that breeders seek to improve the breed may cost more than pets that are sold with spay/neuter agreements.

Additional costs associated with purchasing from a breeder

When purchasing a long haired dachshund from a breeder, there are additional costs to consider aside from the actual price of the puppy. These costs may include transportation fees if the breeder is located far from your area. Additionally, you should budget for any necessary health certifications or tests the breeder may have performed on the puppy.

While it’s not directly a financial cost, it’s crucial to consider the time and effort required to find a reputable breeder. Conducting thorough research, visiting the breeder’s facility, and discussing expectations and health guarantees all contribute to finding a responsible breeder. This investment of time and attention is well worth it to ensure you’re bringing a healthy, well-bred long haired dachshund into your home.

Adoption Fees

Cost of adopting a long haired dachshund from a shelter or rescue

Adopting a long haired dachshund from a shelter or rescue organization is an alternative to purchasing from a breeder. Adoption fees can vary depending on the organization and the specific dog you are interested in. On average, adoption fees for long haired dachshunds typically range from $100 to $300. These fees are often lower than purchasing from a breeder and help support the rescue organization’s efforts in caring for and rehoming dogs in need.

Included services and expenses in adoption fees

When you adopt a long haired dachshund from a shelter or rescue, the adoption fee usually covers a range of services and expenses. These may include the cost of vaccinations, microchipping, and spaying/neutering the dog. Some organizations may also include a veterinary examination, initial deworming, and flea/tick prevention treatment in the adoption fee.

In addition to these medical services, adoption fees also help cover the costs of caring for the dog while in the rescue organization’s care. This includes food, shelter, grooming (if applicable), and any behavioral training or rehabilitation the dog may have received.

By adopting a long haired dachshund, not only are you giving a loving home to a dog in need, but you are also supporting the valuable work of rescue organizations in saving and rehabilitating animals.

Healthcare Expenses

Initial veterinary examination and vaccinations

When you bring home a long haired dachshund, it’s essential to schedule an initial veterinary examination. This examination allows the vet to assess the overall health of your new pet and address any immediate concerns or health issues. The cost of this examination can range from $50 to $100 or more, depending on your location and the specific veterinary clinic.

Additionally, vaccinations are a crucial part of keeping your long haired dachshund healthy. Puppies require a series of vaccinations to protect them from common diseases, including distemper, parvovirus, and rabies. The cost of these vaccinations can vary, but you can expect to pay around $50 to $100 for each round of vaccines.

Spaying or neutering costs

Spaying or neutering your long haired dachshund is an important step in preventing unwanted litters and can contribute to their overall health and well-being. The cost of spaying or neutering can vary depending on factors such as your location and the size and age of your dog. On average, you can expect to pay between $200 and $500 for this procedure.

Microchipping expenses

Microchipping is a recommended identification method that can help reunite you with your long haired dachshund if they ever become lost. The cost of microchipping can vary, but it usually ranges from $50 to $100.

Deworming and flea/tick prevention

Regular deworming and flea/tick prevention are essential for maintaining your long haired dachshund’s health. The cost of deworming medication can vary depending on the specific product and your dog’s weight, but it typically ranges from $20 to $50 for a monthly supply. Flea and tick prevention products also vary in cost, with monthly treatments typically costing between $10 and $30.

Additional healthcare costs to consider

Aside from the initial veterinary examination and routine vaccinations, there are other healthcare costs to consider for your long haired dachshund. Annual check-ups, routine vaccinations, heartworm prevention medication, dental care, and unexpected medical expenses are all potential ongoing costs. It’s important to budget for these expenses to ensure your long haired dachshund receives the necessary healthcare throughout their life.

Importance of budgeting for ongoing healthcare

Investing in your long haired dachshund’s healthcare is crucial for their well-being and longevity. Budgeting for routine veterinary care, including vaccinations, preventive medications, and annual check-ups, is essential to catch any potential health issues early on and ensure your dog is in optimal health. Additionally, having the financial means to address unexpected medical emergencies is vital for providing the best possible care for your furry companion.

Training and Socialization

Cost of obedience classes or professional training

Proper training is important for long haired dachshunds, as it helps them become well-behaved and obedient companions. The cost of obedience classes or professional training can vary depending on your location and the specific training program or trainer you choose. On average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $300 for a series of group obedience classes, while private training sessions may range from $50 to $150 per hour.

Socialization activities and expenses

Socialization is another crucial aspect of raising a well-adjusted long haired dachshund. Exposing your dog to various environments, people, and other animals helps them develop confidence and appropriate social skills. Socialization activities can include visits to dog parks, playdates with other friendly dogs, and outings to pet-friendly establishments. While there may not be a direct cost associated with socialization, it’s important to budget for the time and effort required to provide these experiences for your long haired dachshund.

Toys, treats, and supplies for training

When it comes to training your long haired dachshund, having the right tools and supplies is essential. This includes a variety of toys for mental stimulation, treats for positive reinforcement during training sessions, and other training aids such as clickers or target sticks. The cost of these items can vary depending on your preferences, with toys ranging from a few dollars to more expensive interactive or puzzle toys. It’s important to budget for these ongoing expenses to help facilitate your long haired dachshund’s training and mental enrichment.

Considerations for long haired dachshunds’ specific needs

Long haired dachshunds have certain breed-specific characteristics that should be considered when it comes to training and socialization. Their stubbornness, independence, and potential for back problems can pose challenges during training. It’s important to be patient, consistent, and use positive reinforcement techniques when training your long haired dachshund. Additionally, ensuring their training and socialization experiences are tailored to their unique needs can set them up for success and enhance their overall well-being.

Grooming Costs

Regular grooming expenses for long haired dachshunds

Long haired dachshunds have a luxurious coat that requires regular grooming to keep it clean, tangle-free, and looking its best. Grooming expenses for long haired dachshunds typically include regular brushing, bathing, and nail trimming. The cost of these grooming supplies, such as brushes, shampoos, and nail clippers, can range from $50 to $100 or more depending on the quality and brand you choose.

Professional grooming services

While some long haired dachshund owners may choose to groom their dogs at home, others may opt for professional grooming services. The cost of professional grooming for long haired dachshunds can vary based on factors such as the size of your dog, the condition of their coat, and the specific services requested. On average, you can expect to pay between $50 and $100 for a grooming session. Keep in mind that more extensive services, such as styling and hand stripping, can cost extra.

Cost of grooming tools and supplies

If you choose to groom your long haired dachshund at home, you will need to invest in grooming tools and supplies. These may include brushes, combs, shears, clippers, and grooming table. The cost of these tools can vary depending on the quality and brand, but you can expect to spend anywhere from $100 to $500 or more. It’s essential to invest in high-quality tools to ensure effective and safe grooming sessions for your long haired dachshund.

Food and Nutrition

Cost of high-quality dog food for long haired dachshunds

Feeding your long haired dachshund a high-quality diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being. The cost of dog food can vary depending on the brand, quality, and size of the bag. On average, you can expect to spend between $40 and $80 per month on dog food for a long haired dachshund. It’s important to choose a dog food that is specifically formulated for their age, size, and any specific dietary needs they may have.

Dietary considerations and special requirements

Long haired dachshunds are prone to obesity, and their unique body structure makes them more susceptible to back problems. It’s important to monitor their calorie intake and provide a balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, some long haired dachshunds may have food allergies or sensitivities that require a specialized diet. Taking these dietary considerations into account when budgeting for food and nutrition is essential for your long haired dachshund’s long-term health.

Treats and supplements

Treats are an important part of training, positive reinforcement, and bonding with your long haired dachshund. The cost of treats can vary depending on the brand, ingredients, and size of the package. You can expect to spend between $10 and $30 per month on treats. Additionally, if your long haired dachshund requires any specific supplements or vitamins, such as joint supplements or omega-3 fatty acids, the cost of these can vary depending on the specific product and your dog’s needs.

Housing and Equipment

Cost of dog bed, crate, and other housing supplies

Providing a comfortable and safe space for your long haired dachshund is essential. The cost of a dog bed can vary depending on the size, material, and brand, but you can expect to spend between $50 and $200. Additionally, if you choose to crate train your dog, the cost of a crate can range from $50 to $150, depending on the size and quality.

Other housing supplies to consider include food and water bowls, a collar or harness, identification tags, and a leash. These items can add up to around $50 to $100 depending on your preferences and the specific products you choose.

Toys, leashes, and collars

To keep your long haired dachshund mentally stimulated and entertained, you’ll need to invest in a variety of toys. The cost of toys can vary depending on the type, size, and brand. On average, you can expect to spend between $20 and $50 on toys for your long haired dachshund.

Leashes and collars are essential for walks and outings with your long haired dachshund. The cost of these items can range from $20 to $50, depending on the quality, material, and design.

Outdoor containment options

Long haired dachshunds have a strong instinct to explore, so it’s important to have appropriate outdoor containment measures in place. This may include a secure fence around your yard, an outdoor playpen, or a dog run. The cost of these outdoor containment options can vary depending on factors such as the size of your yard and the type of fencing or enclosure you choose. It’s important to budget for these expenses to ensure the safety and security of your long haired dachshund when spending time outdoors.

Indoor safety measures

Creating a safe environment for your long haired dachshund indoors is equally important. This may involve baby gates to restrict access to certain areas, safety latches on cabinets or trash cans, or securing electrical cords out of reach. The cost of these safety measures can vary depending on your specific needs and the products you choose. By investing in these safety measures, you can help prevent accidents and keep your long haired dachshund out of harm’s way.

Travel and Transportation

Cost of carriers and travel accessories

If you plan to travel or transport your long haired dachshund, it’s important to have appropriate carriers and travel accessories. The cost of carriers can vary depending on the size, style, and brand. Soft-sided carriers usually range from $30 to $100, while hard-sided carriers may cost between $50 and $200.

Other travel accessories to consider include seatbelt harnesses, car seat covers, and travel water bowls. These items can add up to an additional $50 to $100, depending on your preferences and specific needs.

Airline or pet transport fees

If you’re planning to fly with your long haired dachshund, it’s important to check with the specific airline for their pet transport policies and associated fees. Airlines typically charge a fee for traveling with pets, ranging from $100 to $500 or more depending on the airline and the route. It’s crucial to budget for these additional expenses when considering air travel with your long haired dachshund.

Considerations for long haired dachshunds during travel

Long haired dachshunds may require special accommodations during travel due to their unique body structure and potential for back problems. It’s important to choose carriers or travel arrangements that provide adequate support and comfort for your dog. Additionally, ensuring your long haired dachshund has access to water, rest breaks, and regular exercise during longer trips is crucial for their well-being. Taking these considerations into account will help ensure a safe and comfortable travel experience for your furry companion.

Insurance and Emergency Fund

Cost of pet insurance for long haired dachshunds

Pet insurance can provide financial protection in the event of unexpected veterinary expenses for your long haired dachshund. The cost of pet insurance can vary depending on factors such as the coverage plan, deductible, and your dog’s age and breed. On average, you can expect to pay between $30 and $50 per month for pet insurance. It’s important to carefully review the coverage options and exclusions to ensure the policy meets your specific needs and provides adequate protection for your long haired dachshund.

Importance of having an emergency fund for unexpected costs

In addition to pet insurance, it’s crucial to have an emergency fund specifically designated for unexpected veterinary expenses. Emergencies can happen at any time, and having the financial means to provide immediate care for your long haired dachshund can make a significant difference in their outcome. It’s recommended to set aside a dedicated portion of your monthly budget or savings specifically for these unexpected costs. By being prepared, you can ensure your long haired dachshund receives the necessary care without compromising your financial stability.

Time and Attention Commitment

The value of time and attention for long haired dachshunds

Long haired dachshunds, like all dogs, thrive on love, attention, and quality time with their human companions. They are social animals that require regular mental and physical stimulation. Dedication to spending time and providing attention to your long haired dachshund is a crucial investment in their well-being and happiness.

Considerations for busy lifestyles and work schedules

It’s important to consider your lifestyle and work schedule when bringing a long haired dachshund into your family. These dogs require regular exercise, mental enrichment, and companionship. If you have a busy lifestyle or work long hours, it’s important to plan for ways to meet your long haired dachshund’s needs. This may involve hiring a pet sitter, dog walker, or enrolling in doggy daycare services. While these services come at an additional cost, they can help ensure your long haired dachshund receives the necessary attention and care even when you’re not available.

Cost of pet sitters or dog-walking services

If you’re unable to provide your long haired dachshund with the necessary attention and exercise, hiring a pet sitter or dog walker can be a beneficial option. The cost of these services can vary depending on factors such as the duration of the visit or walk, the location, and the specific services provided. On average, you can expect to pay between $15 and $30 per visit or walk. It’s important to budget for these additional expenses to ensure your long haired dachshund’s needs are met even when you’re unable to be present.

In conclusion, owning a long haired dachshund comes with various costs that go beyond the initial purchase price. From breeder costs to adoption fees, healthcare expenses to grooming costs, and training to travel considerations, it’s important to budget for these expenses to provide the best care and quality of life for your long haired dachshund. By considering these factors beforehand and being prepared, you can ensure you have the necessary resources and support to give your long haired dachshund a happy and healthy life as a beloved family member.