Introducing A Second Dachshund – 6 Crucial Tips

Last Updated on March 17, 2022 by Marco

Dachshunds can be very affectionate pets, to the point of easily getting jealous of other dogs. So, here’s some info on introducing a second dachshund – 6 crucial tips. We’ll cover the main steps every Doxie owner should follow if they want to get a second dog as well as why Doxies can be so obstinant at times.


Introducing A Second Dachshund To Your Pet – What’s The Secret?

The process of bringing a second dog home is simple but it should be followed carefully. In a way, introducing a second dachshund it’s not dissimilar to introducing two cats to each other. Here’s what you want to do:

  • First, before you even pick a second dog, it’s vital that you socialize your first dog well. This means getting your dog used to meeting and interacting with other people, dogs, and animals frequently, as well as both outside and at home. It’s important that your dachshund perceives other animals and people as friendly sources of fun and not as potential threats.

Introducing A Second Dachshund To Your Pet – What’s The Secret

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  • Once you’ve got a well-socialized dachshund, it’s time for the first meet-up. This should be done outside, at a fun, familiar, and safe location like the dog park. Let the two dogs get to know each other and become friends that way first. Repeat this step several times if needed.
  • Next, when you bring the second dog home, make sure your first pooch isn’t around. It can either be on a long walk/hike outside or in a separate part of your home. If you’re isolating your first dog, make sure it’s not in too tight of a place and that there’s a family member there – you don’t want your first dog to feel punished or restricted.
  • Keep the two dogs separated for a while – from several hours to a day or so – until your first dog gets familiar with its new home. It’s ok for the two dogs to sniff each other through the door that divides them and to communicate. Just make sure that there’s a person with each of them to give them comfort and attention. Feed them and play with them simultaneously and on both sides of the dividing door.
  • After several hours or a day, change the locations of both dogs. Let them explore and sniff around freely until they feel comfortable. Repeat this step a couple more times if needed.
  • Once you’re calm the dogs aren’t aggressive with each other, you can unite the two halves of your home and let the two be reintroduced officially.

That’s pretty much how introducing a second dachshund works.


In Conclusion, What’s The Secret To Introducing A Second Dachshund Into Your Home?

The keyword here, as with any other breed, is socialization. If you’re ever planning to get a second dog or if you just want your Doxie to be well-behaved around others, it’s important to socialize it with people, dogs, and other animals from an early age. From there, it’s just a matter of introducing a second dachshund slowly, strategically, tactfully, and with lots of patience, love, and attention given to both animals.

Read more about: Do Dachshunds Like Other Dogs And 15 Breeds That Get Along With Them


How do you introduce two dachshunds?

Dachshunds are not the trickiest breed to socialize with other dogs but not the most simple one either. While they aren’t guard dogs per se, dachshunds can be a bit headstrong and territorial. Plus, they easily get jealous when other dogs get our attention. So, introducing two dachshunds is a two-step process.
First, make sure that the initial introduction is done in a neutral setting such as the dog park. It’s important that both dogs feel comfortable, secure, and playful. Once they make good friends and play around for a bit, you can start thinking of bringing the second dog home.
This second step is similar to introducing two cats. This means that your first dachshund should be isolated in a separate room or part of the house together with another family member – a large enough space so that the dog doesn’t feel isolated or punished. Alternatively, your first Doxie can be out on a walk for a while. Then, introduce the new dog to the rest of your home to explore. After several hours, switch the two dogs’ places so that they can explore each other’s “territory”. Once both feel comfortable, it’s time for a second face-to-face.

How long for older dog to accept puppy?

Depending on its temperament and exact circumstances, an older dog can either accept a new puppy momentarily or be a bit stubborn about it. In fact, it’s even possible that an extra-obstinant old dog never accepts a new puppy despite your best efforts. So, how long should you wait?
Keeping the new puppy home too long can be futile and unnecessarily stressful if it’s certain that the old dog is just not going to accept it. At the same time, returning or rehoming the new puppy too soon can be a huge lost opportunity. So, how long should you wait?
Conventional wisdom says that about a month is a good average. If after 30 days of effort your older dog is still aggressive toward the new pup then it may be time to call it quits. Alternatively, you can try contacting a behavioral specialist after the third week (or sooner) to see if maybe you’re doing something wrong. Trained experts can get almost any two dogs to get along, after all.

Do dachshunds get along with other dachshunds?

They do, most of the time. In fact, if you’re thinking of getting a second dog to keep your Doxie company, another dachshund is the best choice. This isn’t to say that dachshunds get along only with other dachshunds – it’s widely accepted that they don’t really care about (or distinguish) other dogs’ breeds.
However, dachshunds can be quite temperamental and mischievous and they need their every other pet in their home to be able to match their personality. So, getting a second Doxie is just the easiest solution. If you want to go for another breed, consider pugs, (most) terriers, spaniels, and most spitz breeds. Doxies also don’t like dogs that are way bigger than them with only a few exceptions such as Huskies and Doberman Pinschers.
In short, finding the right personality is far more important than picking a specific breed. The simplest solution remains to get a second dachshund, however.

Why does my Dachshund not like other dogs?

Doxies aren’t guard dogs and don’t have any inherent aggression toward other dogs. In fact, they are a hound breed, so they’ve been bred to hunt together with other hounds and to live with them in large kennels. So, it can feel like a bit of a mystery why some dachshunds just refuse to live with or get along with other dogs.
The answer lies in their temperament. Dachshunds are not anti-social or aggressive, however, they are quite willful, headstrong, and they get jealous quite easily. The first two are typical for any hound breed and the second is a factor of the dachshund’s affectionate nature.
So, especially if your dog has been your only pet for a while (more than a couple of years), it’s possible that it has developed some territorial instincts and a possessive attitude towards you and your home. That’s why proper socialization is a must and why it’s also recommended to get a second dog (if you want one) about a year after you’ve got your dachshund.