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How To Make Dachshund Clothes – 4 Simple Ways

Dog clothes are both fun and necessary. However, they are also expensive. So, you might be wondering how to make dachshund clothes? Here are 3 simple ways. Keep in mind that we’re not tailors – in reality, there are hundreds of different ways a skilled-enough person can fashion dachshund clothes. However, here we’ll rather cover the 4 simplest ways to go about it – ones that even inexperienced folks like us can figure out in a matter of minutes.


How To Make Dachshund Clothes?

So, what’s the trick to learning how to make dachshund clothes? It’s all in realizing that dachshund clothes are basically just long tubes of fabric with holes cut into them. This sounds pretty crude, but it’s also true. So, what are the 3 easy ways for making dachshund clothes?

How To Make Dachshund Clothes

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The first and most important step is to measure your dog. Specifically, look at the neck width, body width, and length, as well as the exact location of the legs. Remember to make male Doxie clothes shorter as you don’t want your dog to accidentally pee on its coat. Also, get some extra fabric for trial and error before you start.

1. Give Old Baby Clothes A New Life

Baby clothes are essentially dachshund clothes if the size matches. In the best case, you might even get by without doing anything! If you do need to resize the width, however, a couple of simple seams along the length can do the trick.

2. Repurpose Those Sweater Sleeves

What better fabric tube for your dachshund coat than an old sweater’s sleeve? Again, just make sure the width fits, and then it’s just a matter of cutting the proper length and picking the right spots for the leg holes.

3. How To Modify T-shirt To Fit Dog?

Modifying a t-shirt for a dog is almost as simple as using baby clothes. The only extra step is that you’d want to tighten the width of the shirt to fit your dog. You can do that easily by cutting a vertical section through the middle and then sewing the rest together. If you’re not a fan of sewing you can also use hot glue.

4. Start With A Flat Piece Of Fabric

The most “complex” method is to get a new (or old) flat piece of fabric and sew it into a tube of the appropriate width. From there, tighten the neck with an extra cut and seam. The last step is the familiar one – cut holes for the legs.


So, Is It Hard To Figure Out How To Make Dachshund Clothes?

Figuring out how to make dachshund clothes sounds hard but it really isn’t. Even if you have zero sewing skills, all you actually need is a pair of scissors and some hot glue. Granted, some sewing proficiency can help you craft something extra nice but even that’s easy to pick up.

So, whether you want to just modify some baby clothes or a sweater’s sleeve or you want to sew a flat piece of fabric, it really isn’t all that complicated. The one crucial part of the whole endeavor is getting your dog’s measurements right and that’s about it.

Read more about Top 6 Great Sweaters For Miniature Dachshunds


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