Find Out The Best Way To Introduce Two Dachshunds

Dachshunds can be very affectionate pets, to the point of easily getting jealous of other dogs. 

How do you introduce two dachshunds?

Dachshunds are not the trickiest breed to socialize with other dogs but not the most simple one either.

How do you introduce two dachshunds? 

It’s important that both dogs feel comfortable, secure, and playful.  

How long for older dog to accept puppy?

Depending on its temperament and exact circumstances, an older dog can either accept a new puppy momentarily or be a bit stubborn about it.

How long for older dog to accept puppy?

Conventional wisdom says that about a month is a good average.

Do dachshunds get along with other dachshunds?

Dachshunds can be quite temperamental and mischievous and they need their every other pet in their home to be able to match their personality. 

Do dachshunds get along with other dachshunds?

In short, finding the right personality is far more important than picking a specific breed.

Why does my Dachshund not like other dogs?

Doxies aren’t guard dogs and don’t have any inherent aggression toward other dogs.

Why does my Dachshund not like other dogs? 

Dachshunds are not anti-social or aggressive, however, they are quite willful, headstrong, and they get jealous quite easily.

The keyword here, as with any other breed, is socialization.  

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