How To Housebreak A Dachshund

Getting a new puppy is as fun as it is challenging. So, here’s how to housebreak a dachshund, how long does it take, and should you even bother? 

How To Housebreak A Dachshund?

1. Take some time off work so that you can keep an eye on your Doxie 24/7. 2. Arrange for constant potty breaks throughout the day. 3. Even if your dog has started to wee/poo – pick it up and take it out anyway.

Why Is It So Difficult To Figure Out How To Housebreak A Dachshund?

Simply put – because dachshunds are a scenthound breed. This isn’t to say that all hounds are as stubborn as the dachshunds but most are pretty close.

It can be even faster than that. However, if you’re not persistent enough and/or you get a particularly stubborn Doxie, you may be in for over a month or more.

How Long Should It Take To Housebreak Your Doxie?

Should You Give Up Trying To Housebreak Your Dachshund At Some Point?

If your dachshund never gets into the habit of doing its toilet business outside, you’re going to have to use toilet pads at home.

Is Figuring Out How To Housebreak A Dachshund Really That Much Harder Than It Is With Other Breeds?

You can try and predict which category your dog is going to fall into by observing it in its litter, however, there are no guarantees. 

Can you housebreak a Dachshund?

You can and you should. However, you should also steel yourself for a long and arduous process. 

How long does it take to potty train dachshund dogs?

It’s not that rare for some dachshund owners to just give up and have their dog use pads indoors for all its life. But given that dachshunds have a very long expected lifetime.

Crate training can make house breaking easier and less messy, especially during the night. It should be done with care.

Should I crate train my dachshund?

How do you train a stubborn Dachshund?

Dachshunds are very food-motivated, so you can use that to your advantage as an extra treat when the dog does what you want it to.

But the rest is just persistence and patience – go out often, go to the same spot, praise your dog when it manages to hold it, don’t punish or yell when an accident happens.

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