Welcoming A Dachshunds Puppy Into Your Home: Important Info You Need 


A few essential care requirements involve things of a physical nature like diet and training but also psychological, providing comfort.  

What do I need for a miniature Dachshund puppy?

A few basic essentials are needed for a mini dachshund puppy. A good diet and fresh water are good places to start.

What do I need for a miniature Dachshund puppy?

Chew toys are vital to help with teething and a puppy pen or crate help in training and keeping them safe. 

How much do you feed a mini Dachshund puppy?

The portion size of a meal for a dachshund puppy will depend on the size and age.

How much do you feed a mini Dachshund puppy?

Between 6 and 12 months, a mini dachshund puppy will need anywhere between 7 and 16 ounces of food a day, spread out in 3 meals.

Are mini dachshunds high maintenance?

Long-haired mini dachshunds are ones that imply the most maintenance at first glance. 

Are mini dachshunds high maintenance?

Caring for a mini dachshund is not quite as extensive as it may seem, and this breed is not that high maintenance.

How far should you walk a miniature Dachshund puppy?

As a mini dachshund puppy start to learn how to walk on a leash, exercise through walking becomes a routine.

How far should you walk a miniature Dachshund puppy?

At this young age, a puppy should not walk more than 2 miles a day, maybe even less depending on weather conditions.

A few essential steps are needed to start off proper care of this breed, and then it all becomes routine.  

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