What Are The Key Dachshund Back Problems Symptoms

Doxies are a relatively healthy breed. At least that is apart from their predisposition to back issues. So, what are the key dachshund back problems symptoms you should watch out for? Is your Doxie experiencing some symptoms right now that …

Why Does My Dachshund Shake And What Should I Do?

Getting your first dachshund can be a wonderful experience. However, it can also raise some questions. For example, why does my dachshund shake and what should I do? Does this mean that there is something wrong with my Doxie? Should …

Best Dog Food For Dachshunds With Skin Allergies

Allergies are one of those things that can make looking after a dog a bit complicated. So, what’s the best dog food for dachshunds with skin allergies? What does food even have to do with skin allergies? And are dachshunds …