Dog tails are still a topic of contention among some dog lovers. So, the long haired dachshund tail – what should it look like, is it curved, and should you dock it? Are Doxie tails typically docked and is the long haired dachshund tail different from that of other Doxies? We’ll also touch on grooming a bit, so, let’s go over each point below.
What Does A Dachshund’s Tail Look Like?
The standard tail of a purebred dachshund is long, relatively straight, and with a slight curve upwards. It doesn’t typically curve back too much, however, and it will rarely fall to the ground when the dog is active and alert.
In essence, the dachshund’s tail should extend backward from the body, making the dog look even longer than it already is. It’s also used very actively to emote so you can always tell how your dachshund is feeling by looking at its tail.

How Long Are Dachshund Tails? – Long Haired Dachshund Tail
A standard dachshund’s tail will be between 6 and 9 inches long (15 to 23 cm). Some can even reach 10 inches (25.4 cm). Miniature dachshunds, on the other hand, have tails that are 4 to 7 inches long on average (10 to 18 cm) with the average being 6 inches (15 cm) and in some very rare cases – up to 9 inches (23 cm).
Keep in mind that the dachshund’s tail is not meant to be counted in the dog’s length. So, when someone asks you how long your mini or standard dachshund is, you’re supposed to measure from the base of the neck to the base of the tail, i.e. just the torso. Similarly, if someone tells you their Doxie is extraordinarily long, they are usually counting the long snout and the very long tail too.
Is The Long Haired Dachshund Tail Different From That Of Other Doxies?
Not really – it just looks different cause it has long hair coming out of it. The tail itself, however, is essentially the same.
That extra hair will need some grooming, of course. Long haired dachshunds need their hair trimmed every once in a while, especially behind the ears, behind and around the front legs, and under the paws. The tail is not as much of a priority but you can always lightly trim the hair there too with a few quick snaps of the shears.
Alternatively, it’s also a good idea to take your long haired Doxie to the groomer once or twice a year. Dachshunds are not the heaviest shedders but long haired Doxies to shed a bit seasonally and a groomer can help alleviate that while also trimming your long haired dachshund tail quite nicely.
What If My Long Haired Dachshund Tail Is Hanging Low Or Isn’t Wagging Too Much?
A dog’s tail is usually a good indicator for its mood so a hanging tail usually shows stuff such as anxiety, fear, or depression. If that’s the case, you should try and see why your dog is down and fix that in some way. Of course, the hanging tail can also mean that your dog is cold.
However, a hanging or inactive tail can also indicate physical distress and pain. With dachshunds, in particular, you should consider Limber tail and Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD).
Click Here to Get Info about:
- What Does An EE Cream Long Haired Dachshund Look Like?
- Miniature Dachshund Dogs 101 – Everything Important To Know About Mini Doxies
Should You Dock A Long Haired Dachshund’s Tail? – Long Haired Dachshund Tail
Categorically no! People can argue about docking other breeds’ tails if they want, although we’re generally against the practice then too, a dachshund absolutely does not need its tail docked.
The reason some breeds’ tails are traditionally docked is to prevent work accidents. Doxies are not a working dog breed, however – they are a scent hound and a pet breed. Neither of these jobs requires tail docking. In fact, hunters value their dachshunds’ tails as they help pulling the dogs out of badger holes.

Conclusion On Long Haired Dachshund Tail
In conclusion, a dachshund’s tail is a wonderful extension of an already wonderful breed. It’s easy to maintain and will make both you and your dog very happy.
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