5 Tips For How To Train A Mini Dachshund

Last Updated on July 11, 2022 by Cristina

Miniature dachshunds often frustrate first-time owners with their stubbornness. So, here are our 5 tips for how to train a mini dachshund. All in all, while Doxies are a bit stubborn, there’s no reason for despair – dachshunds are perfectly trainable when you have the right know-how.

How To Train A Mini Dachshund?

With a relatively stubborn dog like the mini dachshund, the first step is to start with obedience training early on. This doesn’t need to be anything extra specific or dachshund-centric, it’s just obedience training routines. If this is your first dog, you can consider professional help but simply following a good online course can work too.

How To Train A Mini Dachshund

To give you some more details, here are the base 5 tips for how to train a mini dachshund at home:

1. Start Early On

The earlier you start with your dog’s obedience training, the better. Dachshunds usually start getting sold/adopted around or after their 8th week and that’s a perfect time to start training. Even if you’re a bit late, obedience training can still be successful, you’ll just need to be more persistent. Like people, dogs just learn quickest when they are young.

2. Make The Training Sessions Short But Frequent

Dachshunds don’t have the longest attention span so they quickly start getting distracted and disobedient when training. So, make each session short and effective, then just intersperse more such sessions throughout the day.

3. Never Use Negative Reinforcement

Dachshunds are very much like cats – they categorically don’t accept negative reinforcement. So, the path to victory is with loads of positive reinforcement upon each success (treats, pets, praise) and just ignoring your dog when it’s being disobedient.

4. You Can Always Use More Treats

People view giving your dog treats as a bad habit as it can lead to obesity. And that’s true but only if you’re using the wrong treats and you then don’t calculate them into your dog’s daily calorie intake. So, just get good treats, keep an eye on how much your dog has eaten, and then make the regular meals smaller. When training a scent hound like the dachshund, treats are an invaluable resource.

Dachshund Training: Dog Training for your Dachshund puppy

Treats are your friend. Most dachshunds are very food-motivated and you can use this to your advantage. Giving your dog treats after successfully completing tasks will teach your dachshund to listen to what you have to say and to want to obey you.

5. Consistency Is Key

The main mistake many people make is giving up when they get tired. That’s a big No-No – dachshunds, like all other dogs, learn through repetition. So, if your training isn’t consistent, your dog won’t get the idea or will keep ignoring commands even when it understands them.

Are Miniature Dachshunds Harder To Train Than Standard Dachshunds?

Not really. The two size types of dachshunds are essentially the same dog – they were just selected into two different size categories. Both were bred to hunt (standard dachshunds – badgers and foxes, miniature dachshunds – rabbits), both have the same genealogy, and so, both have the same training potential.

Is Potty Training Also Difficult?

Yes, like obedience training, potty training can also take a bit longer with mini and standard dachshunds than it does with other dogs. We’ve detailed the process in a separate article but the base principles are the same – start early, be consistent, and don’t punish.

Conclusion – How To Train A Mini Dachshund

In short, figuring out how to train a mini dachshund doesn’t include any special skills or trade secrets. It’s just a matter of persistence and the right attitude. If you get frustrated and give up, you can be sure that your dog will too. If you do things right, however, you’ll have a wonderful and obedient pet for years to come.


Are our mini dachshunds smart?

Doxies, big and small, are all very intelligent. There is a misconception that dachshunds – like other scent hound breeds – are not that smart but that’s largely because people confuse intelligence and obedience. All measures we have of dog intelligence are based on obedience routines and exercises, and those are things scent hounds naturally can’t excel at – these dogs were bred to follow their instincts and noses before anything else.
So, while you’ll never find anyone saying that “Dachshunds are as smart as Border Collies”, don’t confused that with the idea that dachshunds aren’t smart.

Do miniature dachshunds like to be held?

All dachshunds love to be held as long as they are being held correctly. The issue many dachshund owners face is that they try to hold dachshunds the way they do other dogs and human babies – by the chest/upper back. With dachshunds, however, this puts an uncomfortable and sometimes even painful feeling in the lower back. So, when holding your dachshund, you should make sure that you support the entire length of the dog with your arm.
An extra note would be to never drop your dachshund from up high as that’s also bad for their backs. Do this correctly, and your mini pet will love being held and hugged.

How do I get my miniature dachshund puppy to stop biting?

Dachshunds don’t respond well to negative reinforcement but they absolutely crave attention. So, training a dachs to stop biting is very similar to training a cat – don’t punish or yell at your dog, just move your hand away and stop interacting with it. If necessary, leave the room, just don’t lock your dachshund as punishment.
This method seems ineffective at first but starts working within mere days with enough repetition. In essence, if you do this quickly and persistently enough, the dog learns that every time it uses its teeth, boredom follows. And no dachshund likes being bored and ignored.

How do you play with a mini Dachshund?

However you want as long as you’re not hurting the dog. Mini dachshunds are fragile animals, especially where their backs are concerned. So, just be gentle and don’t make your Doxie jump up and down too much. Aside from that, any type of playtime would be welcomed with a wagging tail.