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Long Haired Dachshund Puppies And Everything You Need To Know About Them

Dachshund puppies are all adorable but are still quite different from one another. So, let’s talk about long haired dachshund puppies and everything you need to know about them. We’ll go over how they are different from other dachshund types, how to distinguish them, price variation, health, and more.

Do Long Haired Dachshund Puppies Look Different From Other Doxies?

You can usually start being able to tell if a puppy is going to have long or short hair before its 8th week. This is pretty great as it’s after the 8th week that pups are usually given up for adoption or for purchase. The way to tell what a pup’s coat will look like is relatively simple – if the pup’s hair looks furrier and if it has a sort of “feathering” (longer hair) on the legs and ears, it will probably be long-haired when it grows up. If not – it will be short-haired.

As for how to distinguish between long and wire-haired dachshund puppies – that’s more complicated and you’ll usually need to wait a bit more to start noticing a change in the pup’s hair texture. Alternatively, you can just ask the puppy’s breeder as they’ll both know what the puppy’s parents look like and they are more experienced when it comes to telling puppy coats apart anyway.

Do Long Haired Dachshund Puppies Look Different From Other Doxies

Learn more about: How To Tell If A Dachshund Puppy Is Long Haired?

Are Long Haired Dachshund Puppies More Or Less Expensive Than Other Dachshunds?

They can be more expensive but that’s not because of their coat type. Rather, it tends to be due to certain rarer coat colors and patterns. All dachshund coat types – short, long, and wire-haired – can come in various colors, so all can be either more or less expensive than average.

Still, long-haired dachshund puppies do come in some pretty rare colors such as full black, English Cream, sable, blue, blue and tan, and others. So, such a dog would be pretty expensive to buy from a reputable breeder.

Are Long Haired Dachshund Puppies More Or Less Expensive Than Other Dachshunds

How To Make Sure The Long Haired Dachshund Puppies You’re Getting Are Healthy?

As with all other dogs, the first step to take to ensure good health is to get your pup from a reputable breeder. Such a breeder should always offer you a health certificate for the pup as well as its parents. You should also be allowed to see the parents and the whole litter. Even when adopting, you should still ask for a detailed medical background.

Shopping from pet stores or puppy mills is a big No-No if you want a healthy dog or you can be saddled with a wide array of health problems such as Patellar Luxation, Eye issues, Hip Dysplasia, and others.

Long Haired Dachshund Puppies vs Smooth and Wire Haired Dachshunds – Which Is Right For You?

All in all, the main difference between long-haired dachshund puppies and the other two Doxie types is just the coat. Yes, long-haired Doxies are said to have calmer personalities but even that difference isn’t all that major of a factor. Dachshunds are individuals, after all, and there are plenty of hyperactive and rowdy long-haired dachshunds as well as lots of calm and collected smooth and wire-haired ones.

So, the coat – is the long and wavy coat of these dogs much of an issue to deal with? It is and it isn’t, depending on what you’re looking for in a dog. Having a longer coat does mean that you’d need to do a bit more brushing to prevent matting and entangling, although that’s the same with a wire-haired dachshund. Also, while long-haired Doxies don’t shed more than other dachshunds, their shedding is more noticeable than that of smooth/short-haired dachshunds. Yet, again, the same applies to wire-haired dogs.

At the same time, however, the long and flowing locks of this type of dachshund are a sight to behold. So, it’s all a matter of personal preferences – do a bit more grooming and enjoy a long-haired beauty or go the lazy route and get a short-haired dachshund.

Read more about: How To Take Care Of Dachshund?


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