Best Dog Food For Dachshunds With Skin Allergies

Allergies are one of those things that can make looking after a dog a bit complicated. So, what’s the best dog food for dachshunds with skin allergies? What does food even have to do with skin allergies? And are dachshunds …

How To Catch A Dog That Doesn’t Want To Be Caught

Knowing how to catch a dog that doesn’t want to be caught is an important skill to develop when bringing a new four-legged companion into the family. Accidents happen though and a dog may end up getting loose and gleefully …

Can I Give My Dog Orange Juice Or Is it Dangerous?

Fruits and dogs don’t always mix well but some fruits may surprise you. So, can I give my dog orange juice or is it dangerous to them? The short answer is – yes, you actually can give your dog orange …

How To Keep A Dog Off Couch When Gone To Work?

There are many reasons for and against letting your dog on the couch. If you prefer the latter, here are a few tips for how to keep a dog off couch when gone to work. Whether it’s because you want …

Dog Teeth Cleaning Anesthesia Cost, Benefits, And Risks

Dog dental hygiene often seems unnecessary to dog owners. Teeth cleaning anesthesia, on the other hand, is typically viewed as highly dangerous. As a result, a lot of dog owners skip the dental hygiene of their dogs altogether. And that’s …